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Colección de herramientas personalizadas creadas, probadas y seleccionadas por Tile Bro. Aquí encontrará todos los productos innovadores que nuestro profesional de azulejos favorito imaginó y le presentó con la ayuda de Calidad Tools. ¡Comparte, usa, disfruta!
£31.00 £34.00 La plaza CaliBro
We partnered up with QEP on this tool and it is currently available for purchase on Amazon and HomeDepot's websites, listed as QEP TileTrim Square.
£17.00 Calidad Cuchilla para cortar y dar forma a malla turbo de 5" "Durty Kurt" (sin bridas)
The Calidad 5" "Durty Kurt" Turbo Mesh Cutting & Shaping Disc is a revolutionary solution designed to tackle the most challenging tile, porcelain, and hard surface cutting tasks. Offering a chip-free experience with the ability to perform both straight and curved cuts, this flangeless disc sets new standards in precision and efficiency, eliminating the common problem of grinders "bottoming out" and leaving metal marks on the workpiece.
£22.00 Cuchilla trituradora para cortar y dar forma Turbo Mesh Calidad de 5" “Durty Kurt" (con brida de cobre)
Elevate your cutting and shaping prowess with the Calidad 5" "Durty Kurt" Turbo Mesh Cutting & Shaping Disc, now featuring a copper flange for flush mounting. This enhancement not only simplifies attachment to your grinder but also elevates stability and precision, allowing for chip-free cuts on tile, porcelain, and other hard surfaces. Perfect for both straight and curved cuts, this disc eliminates the common issue of grinders "bottoming out," ensuring your workpiece remains free from unsightly metal marks.
